View Profile bigshadybastard

30 Movie Reviews

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I really liked it

Man, that was some great work. You should be proud of yourself. The action was slick and the artwork was solid too. There seemed to be trouble with the animation and speech synching up, but that could be my machine. I've been trying to teach myself to draw cool action scenes and its been tough, so I give you props for that. Any times on like what fps how for it to look quick/fluid, but not so choppy?

Awesome tribute

The animation in this movie was EXCELLENT! It was clear that you put alot of time in animating your work. My only knock is the artwork was rough, of course you are only one person, and only one person can do so much. Fantastic movie, awesome animation, and look forward to more from you.


Okay, Kenya was cute for like 3 minutes and after that I wanted to blow the crap out of it. Thank you sir, thank you very much!

Awesome as usual

Very well done. It was funny and very artistic. Not as good as some of your B&W dramas, but still excellent none the less.


Your movie was very well done. You can clearly see much time and effort went into getting flawless frame-by-frame animation. I really enjoyed it and look forward to any future works from you.

The saving grace of this movie is the plot

This movie's art and animation are by no means spectacular. The stick figures are pretty standard, and to walk you use just tween them. Some decent art, but nothing standout. Some of the animations a decent like the gunfire, kneeling, and decent use of speed lines.

Now I got that crap out of the way, you clearly put alot of thought into the plot and prestention. I thought this was very well done and loved the music you used and the implentation of it. The sound of effects were great too.

So basically work on your animation and art, or team up with a good animator and artist and I could see you producing high quality movies. I definitely look forward to your next submission.

Not a bad first effort

Nice sprite animation. Some nice effects, sound a little loud on the explosions. Nice effort and look forward for more from you.

Age 41, Male

Game Developer

Villanova University

Cambridge, MA

Joined on 11/12/02

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